Tuesday, November 10, 2009

From the Diary of a Brain Tumor Chick

Friday-Sunday October 30th-November 1st

The next few days are a blur. I had Halloween costumes to sew. Bray's Birthday to ready for. And my impending trip to Mayo clinic to get packed for. Back to life.

Coincidentally, I had a great friend from Middle School visit during this time and provided a much needed distraction to all my chaos. It was relaxing, easy and peaceful for the first time in what seemed like a long time. For a few hours out of my weekend I got to simply enjoy the company and have a blast catching up. I will have to say in my mind I kind of pretended I wasn't a brain tumor patient. It was wonderful. We went and saw my beloved ocean and felt the coolness of the white sand between my toes and the chilly salt water at my feet. It was what I needed. Anyone who knows me well knows what a love affair I have always had with the coast. It rejuvenates me it makes me whole. Sharing that with a wonderful friend is that much sweeter. I laughed, I played, I tripped and looked like a moron and it was all GREAT!

At some point over that weekend we told Bray (in a very kid like way). It was hard but he was a trooper and did good. He was visibly shaken and nervous but did as OK as a little boy can be finding out his mommy has a brain tumor. I know that in a lot of ways his secure world shut down a little that day.

My youngest sister came in to help. We had Birthday Parties for Bray. Which we managed to make as normal as possible. We trick or treated. And life went on just a little.

We had to face things we never thought of before. Wills, Medical Power of Attorney, things 30 year old should not have to think about. Robert and I had to have some very candid conversations. Conversations we had for obvious reasons not been prepared to have for quite some time. Conversations that made us both realize just how bad this thing could really be.

It was during this time that I learned to laugh about it, even a little. That I decided this evil thing needed a name...Egore (as suggest by Lindsey).

I cannot believe I have a brain tumor!


Nielson said...

I sooo miss that beach! I can imagine that you could 'forget' your problems there. Hmmm...when lois goes there again, she needs to mail me some sand....

Laura C said...

We went to the beach a month or so ago and it was wonderful. It was in North Carolina. It is not quite the same as the beautiful gulf coast, but that is the exact word I would use to describe it... rejuvenating. I came back from that week feeling better than I had in months. I am glad you had fun with an old friend. Distraction is a good method for the madness.